Minor Threat – V6

Description:   (under review)

Sit start right of the arete matched on an undercling. Climb straight up the arete before pulling left into some edges and topping out. Classic, and often touted for needing technical wizardry to deal with some holds on this route.

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Recent Sendage:

  • V6
    Tried this randomly once in a while whenever I came to Squamish and felt impossible. Decided to finally put in a “session” on it today and did it pretty quickly. Felt very hard at first until I sorted out my beta and it felt okay. Very fun moves and grips!
  • V6
    Holding the swing hitting the last slot was a superhero moment
  • V6
    The bane of my existence. Happy it went smoothly today! Nice flow of moves once you get the beta down
  • V6
  • V6
    One of the best 6s I’ve climbed