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THE GLEN #Vridiculouslyhard

Some double digit climbs I am interested in dismantling

  • V9
    An upward traverse with great movement flow and increasingly difficult moves. After spending much time on orient, this went relatively quick. OG Ruffneck start (foot NOT in orient dish to start)
  • V10
    So glad this thing wasn't wet today. Classic!
  • V10
    Been waiting around almost a month to get back on this thing - weather has been brutal. Absolutely psyched to get this done before the end of the year :D. You have to give this thing your all from the moment you pull off the ground. Movement and holds are quality. Grading ... I went with the new guide book and talking to others with more V11 experience. Personally, this is likely the hardest thing I have done at the glen to date.
  • V10
    Technical and Powerful into a nice cruisy T/O. Had a heart breaker punt matching the big sloping ledge after the crux and I thought I may have missed my chance for the season. Pulled it out 2 attempts later!
  • V10
    Finally went down on an unlikely burn - messier than usual but I was able to pull through the classic bonfire crux! The 10s are gonna start falling hard ;)
  • V9
    My first solid V10?... although it did not feel that way? 1 short session... Get on 'little tree' if you are looking for a stepping stone for getting this thing done! Glen Classic overhang with very unique holds (pockets, pinches, & crimps) . Right hand cross Beta
  • V11
    Epic. Not that long ago I felt that was still years away... A big milestone for me - THE boulder at the glen. Each session I have made slow and steady progress - a lot of it revolving around the kneebar. Did it go easy today? ... No! 8th go! For me, V11 makes sense. But, I totally get, that if you fit into this thing well, it could feel soft.
  • V10

List Created By

Dillon Elliott
created on 4/8/15

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