BFF – V10


Start on an obvious pocket jug in the middle of the tunnel and traverse left into the start of bonfire rodeo. Finish at the top of bonfire rodeo

Recent Sendage:

  • V9
  • V9
    V10 is insane. Great climb
  • V10
    thank god i only punted bonfire twice
  • V10
    Sent this after punting 5 times on top of the boulder. It’s easily one of my favourite climbs in the Glen which I can use footwork, flexibility, and technique to bring it down to my level. 7 heel hooks were used and plenty of micro beta. Amazing power-endurance test piece.
  • V9
    cut feet by accident 7 sessions. edit 2024: after repeating and gaining more experience I can say this is definitely not v10 for my height