

39 of 100

Squamish's Top 100 Boulder Problems

This is the list found in Marc Bourdon's Squamish Bouldering Guidebook, 2nd edition. Although some people might disagree with parts of this list, all the problems are certainly high quality. Sending this list shows true mastery of Squamish bouldering, and it has yet to be completed by one person to date.

    List Created By

    created on 9/8/14

    List Cloned From

    Pics & Vids From This List

    Clones of This List:

    92% Jamie Chong
    84% Ben Mcghie
    84% Graham McGrenere
    83% ryanolson
    83% ddale
    80% Tim Catcher
    79% Simon Parton
    77% Ryan Postle
    75% Daniel Gomez
    74% Adrian Kask
    71% lizzyasher
    71% Adolfo Gutierrez
    71% andreaslerch1
    68% NH
    65% Mark Fraser
    63% J Fire
    63% Dabercrombie
    63% jkerrwilson
    60% Eli Dusenbury
    60% Greg Bauch
    59% Ben Shear
    57% oskarmichalak
    57% Kaleb Thomas
    56% chrisrich
    56% brett kruselnicki
    55% Maria C
    55% mattziegler
    54% derrickvnuk
    54% Enzo DiMichele
    53% seblazure
    53% christopherjamescarter
    52% Rufio
    51% Jonathan Sparks
    51% Ryan Mah
    51% adamandrewbanks
    51% lliammcbean
    49% Matt Keays
    48% Daniel Young
    48% Simon McPhedran
    47% Michael Woo
    47% bradenbester
    46% davehorn
    43% jordanmeyers
    42% Todd Helgeson
    41% Corey Kelly
    41% Aidan
    41% Nick Stone
    40% tylersoutham
    40% Suzi Lu
    39% siucheong
    39% Andrew Funk
    39% hunterlee
    38% sierraallen
    38% Austin Quan
    38% adamlew
    36% Dan Beland
    36% Ben Hughes
    36% Flannery Shay-Nemirow
    36% nikitataylor
    36% Colin Trenter
    36% wongjonsilver
    35% Vikki Weldon
    35% Sean McColl
    35% Art Lim
    35% courtneymiyamoto
    35% Yogi
    35% OSKAR
    34% Dave Rodger
    34% gusraian
    33% christiangeoffroy
    32% Andrea S
    32% Zach Geisterfer
    32% corinnebaril
    31% Dave Stack
    31% Ayesha Khan
    31% jeffreywong
    30% Yannick Neufeld-Cumming
    30% Mike Sims
    29% Aeron Matthew
    28% Jeffrey Kydd
    28% Tom Tildrum
    26% Jennifer Slater
    25% ellzed
    24% Keith Nalepa
    23% Bertin Wong
    23% Trees
    23% kirsten
    22% lauramiller1
    21% Boris P
    21% Isaac
    20% paulk
    19% zacharyjohnson
    18% Senja Palonen
    18% olinmosher
    17% Ned Schneebly
    15% a2clow
    14% Kevin Carhart
    14% koltenmarino
    14% banangela
    13% Mathew Leroux
    13% meinili
    13% alexstoll
    12% jefftaylor
    12% dalechang
    10% joelharvie
    10% Kristina Jenei
    10% Wade Bone
    10% geoffarchibald
    10% Daphne
    10% Graham Haber
    9% Joseph Wong
    8% Nic Vissers
    8% Bou
    8% trevorwitt
    8% Mike
    7% Lee Archer
    7% Chris L
    5% Rob Arthurs
    5% Matt W
    2% Chris Keefe
    2% Caley S.
    2% BGB
    2% Seth Carpenter
    1% Stefan Lozinsky
    1% ChloeLoreida
    0% iandusome
    0% Yuichi Inada
    0% David Choquet