Chips – V7


This problem begins on Planet of the Apes but instead of getting the crimp with your left hand go to it with your right. Work your way left around the corner and get the rail feature with your left hand. The higher the better because the next move is a deadpoint dyno up and right although I have seen people do it static using an intermediate hold. Some people think this is easier than Planet of the Apes.

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Recent Sendage:

  • V6
    2nd go. Opted to jump from the sloper and it was not a good idea.
  • V7
    Double bump to make the jump easier. Classic Chelsea not being able to make the small beta work so had to resort to bro-y moves
  • V7
    Height dependant crux, good fun tho
  • V6
    First go dry fire.
  • V6
    First climb in Joe's! I can hit the hold people jump to while keeping my left foot on but if you have to jump I think this will feel harder.