The Reacharound – 5.12b

22m / 72ft, 8 bolts
FA: garyfoster - 2003-08-22


Make some tricky moves up the face to reach a left-facing corner feature. The crux comes as you grope leftward for holds and maneuver up the dihedral

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12b
  • 5.12b
    Very contrived at the start. The roof was fun though.
  • 5.12b
    The true crux is def getting a draw into the bolt before the climbing crux... scary. Fun bouldery moves around the dihedral bulge. Fun climb, unique moves - better than 2 stars but maybe not quite 3
  • 5.12b
    Is it a flash or just a red point first go? I did it after got pull, but both were first go?!? What is it?
  • 5.12b
    Fun tricky climb. Blew the onsight when I went too far left early on and grabbed a mossy sloper, then didn’t reacharound far enough and blew the second go. Third go with an extended draw at the crux.