Ladybird Roof ā€“ V7 ā†“


Sit start on the beautiful vertical sloping rail way down low in the left end of the cave. Now work
your way out and right through heel hooks, lock offs and a tough move right before the lip. Finish
up and right. One of the best steep problems in the guidebook. 4 stars

Recent Sendage:

  • V7
    First V7 in half a day. It felt pretty good even in greasy temps. Starting to like castlegar bouldering
  • V7
    Happy to be able to work this out pretty quick, although wasted a ton of energy being a moron. Awesome line.
  • V7
  • V7
    Brilliant! Felt tough in damp conditions with the top being soaking wet.
  • V7
    This felt hard last year, but not today