Tomb Raider – V7


Start matched on a good sloper on the right-handed arete. make a few moves on the right-arete, and then gain some LH holds under the roof. Navigate the tricky topout at the nose of the boulder

Recent Sendage:

  • V7
    Would be 5 starts if not for the wack landing and dab blocs. Good beta Denon
  • V7
    One of franks only roof climbs and it did not disappoint, I will most likely repeat this one a few times when I’m in the area just because it was so much fun! Not sure if it’s been done before but you can avoid the left heel hook beta with some dual toe hook action on the lip!
  • V7
    A really fantastic line - full on horizontal roof compression climbing, only wish the top out was a little less scuffed. I could see how this could be easier if you're taller but this required a considerable amount of effort than most other V6's or V7's in my logs and I think the difficulty and precision required in gaining some of the holds under the prow and the length of the line merits V7.
  • V7
    Terrific climb and beautiful bloc. Seems stiff at V6 compared to other Frank 6's. I found this much more difficult and beta intensive than Paleofit, which is stylistically very similar. I also feel like the first left heel beta is more difficult the shorter you are.
  • V6