Tall Storey – 5.11c

185m / 607ft, 14 bolts


This steep, multi-pitch sport route climbs the big wall on the right-hand side of the huge
bowl at the top of the upper canyon across from The Coliseum. The wall sees very little
sun (except for late afternoon/evening) so it is best to wait for a warm day. The wall has
two major ledge systems on its right side, which angle down to below The Notch. The
ledge systems are wide and covered with trees, and allow easy access from the climb
(which passes the left end of the lower ledge and finishes at the upper ledge). The large
wall is called Elevator Wall and climbing only to the lower ledge system is Short Storey,
to the upper ledge system is Tall Storey. The climb could be continued for two or three
more pitches to the very top of the cliff, but not at the same standard or quality.
However, since recent rock fall has made descent via the upper ledge more difficult, these
pitches may be added to access the Grotto Mountain hiking trail on the ridge above.

Allow 3.5-5 hours to climb the route, in addition to the approach and descent.

Gear: 60-70m Rope, 14 Quick Draws, Helmets are strongly recommended.

Approach: Continue up the creek bed past The Hideaway into the upper canyon - as for
The Coliseum. The huge wall on the right is Elevator Wall and the climb starts about 60
m left of an easy break in the lower cliff band. Start in a small alcove with a row of bolts
leading up and right. ~1 hr 15 mins from car.

Descent: The best descent is to scramble down one of the ledge systems to below The
Notch (~30 mins) and then descend to the valley via The Notch trail (another ~45 mins)
or by following a faint trail down to the lower canyon near The Hideaway (longer). The
lower wall can be descended in 30 m rappels beginning at a chain on the tree
(intermediate station on the wall adjacent to P4). Retreat from the route itself is possible
using a single 60 m rope but an awkward diagonal rappel is required from station #3 to
station #2. Rappel from station #2 to station #1 is 30 m long and overhang

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