Red Cross – 5.13d

27m / 89ft, 11 bolts
FA: Paul William - 2014-06-30


Start up the chipped bouldery start on a fixed draw before trending right towards the series of stepped roofs that house multiple cruxes. Although it has no harder move than ~V7, this route requires precision and technical abilities that has stumped many. A bouldery start and a power endurance finish make this route a full value climb. Climbs like an excellent limestone pitch - physical, varied and extremely pumpy. Prep: Cody Leyden; FA: Paul Szaroz, 2014.

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Recent Sendage:

  • 5.13d
    Sick rig! Really suprised myself, 6th tie in 🤩
  • 5.13d
  • 5.13d
    Very happy with how this one came together. Felt a lot easier than the Replicant. Very cool crux sequence. Thanks to Marcel and Yukon Mike for all the beta.
  • 5.13d
    Yukon Mike's truck stop beta for the win. I've never had to stretch my hips so much for a rock climb before. Beauty line!
  • 5.13d
    Sweet, sustained climbing. A race to the anchors.