The Itinerary – V8

FA: loicfujinaga - 2020-07-26


Eliminate. Start as per Tomb Raider, but stay on the lip until you reach the jugs at the end

Recent Sendage:

  • V8
    Not sure if the small crimp just above the lip is in? Used it and felt v8 ish. Pretty cool.
  • V8
    Cool lip traverse! The mid section was more techy and balanced than expected.
  • V8
    Also hard to grade for me. I didn't think this was much harder than Tomb Raider, but that might speak more to how hard Tomb Raider felt - though I faced some extra challenges on TR being short and having poor hip mobility. Itinerary skirted around both of those obstacles haha
  • V8
  • V8
    Really weird to grade this thing, genuinely have no idea, once you send it, it seems so easy once you actually send, and it is the weirdest feeling to grade as I dont have much experience, but seems similar to renaissance so hard end 8 soft 9?