Goldfinger – 5.11c

30m / 98ft, 12 bolts

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.11c
    So niiiice. Glad we ignored the rainy forecast today ;) Thanks My My for being my big-boss-climb-selector, your contract is extended for the rest of the season hehe! Beauty evening, special climb, summer is here!!!
  • 5.11c
    This is an exceptional climb! Perfect holds, techy cool movement, and keeps you thinking all the way up. Tough for me! Tried this once in 2018 with J and have been wanting to get back on it since. Got on it early season this year and bailed half way up. Hung draws and sent third go today. Thanks for another late night bataan session den den and Mera, and for pushing me to give it one last go! This is a superb climb. Haven't climbed many of this grade though I gotta say this is my fav so far I think! Must do! Double send day with den den on his mini pject!
  • 5.11c
  • 5.11c
  • 5.11c