The Ghost of Laszlo Jamf – V7

FA: Benjamin A. Walker - 2013-04-03


Sit start on jug, big move with right hand to crimp and then edge. Work out left through sidepulls, and underclings to a hard match on a brick shaped jug on arete. Top out to the left on good holds. Purple Line in Photograph.

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Recent Sendage:

  • V7
    I have nothing to add to the comments about how amazing this line is. Just see Zach’s, that pretty much sums up my feelings for this line.
  • V7
  • V7
    Did it without the knee bar like a goof and was wondering why it felt so hard
  • V7
    A contender for one of my favourite boulders I’ve climbed. A perfect heel hook, kneebar, pinch, with a mandatory cut feet move and a campus finish. Excellent.
  • V7