Devil's in the Beetails – 5.12c

20m / 66ft, 7 bolts

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  • 5.12a
    It seems like someone has chipped the crux (hand hold "improved" and new foot added) and made it substantially easier. The grade is now probably 11d/12a. I got on this route in June of last year, and I have a clear memory of the crux left hand crimp as small, smooth, and slightly sloping. It's now deeper, rougher, wider, and can be easily matched. I also remember needing to use a very high right foot (very small box), in spite of looking in vain for another option. Now there is a conveniently placed edge to stand on. The crux is now only slightly harder than the 5.11 climbing leading into it.
  • 5.12c
    Very fun
  • 5.12c
    Great route. Interesting sequence leading into the seam right before the end. Things got a little spicy on the send with the last 2 right hand holds being totally soaked!
  • 5.12c
    Fantastic! Such a satisfying finish
  • 5.12c
    Fantastic route. Thank god for the jug rests after that Crux!