The Convincer – 5.12a

31m / 102ft, 11 bolts
FA: marcus norman - 2005-08-01


new via feratta to the right means no more crappy 5.8 slab approach!

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Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12a
  • 5.12b
    Awesome climbing! One of the best routes I've done. Sent on my second day first go hanging the draws.
  • 5.12a
    The top bit is awesome, but short lived, and the rest is kinda meh.
  • 5.12b
    Really great route.
  • 5.12b
    I tried this once last year, remembered nothing and got rained out after Spencer heroically sent in a thunderstorm, then hastily bailed. This year I hopped on it with thunder echoing in the canyon behind me as I grabbed the soaking wet finish jug, Connor, Cam, Spence and Nate all getting soaked below. I lowered and we all hastily bailed while getting absolutely soaked by rain drops so big they hurt. P.S. Connor's engine exploded on the way home ;) 2nd go.