
Second go machine
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  • 5.10d
    Melted candle wax rock
  • 5.11d
    Best I can do while overcoming the Spanish flu. First taste of the cobble rock, super radical
  • 5.11d
    Another sporty and pumppppyyyy tufa line with plentiful kneebars. Last one in Chulilla, thanks for the mems!
  • 5.11d
    See L1
  • 5.12a
    What a battle. My entire body was flaming pumped head to toe as I stemmed, chimneyed, kneebarred, body wedged, foot jammed, hand jammed and otherwise used every trick in the book to work my way up these monster sized tufas. Almost spit off at the main crux of Magic line, but gave it everything and managed to stay on. As I entered into L2 (Acorralado, no extra difficulty), I went silent with focus as I off-widthed my way up the narrow tufa chimney for what felt like forever, feet smearing up one side and back pressed against the other, trying desperately not to blow it. I was absolutely exhausted but psyched out of my mind by the time I hit the anchor at the top of this monster 40m pitch. Insane climb, insane effort, and extra special to have this one as my first proper 12a draw hang on-site. A mega classic of all mega classics. Unforgettable.
  • 5.11d
    A hugely wandering adventure, making for a difficult O/S. I tried a bit to hard to stay on the bolt line and got pumped out before I realized you really traverse far back and forth between tufas as soon as it gets hard. Contrary to the guide, L2 is much much easier than the bottom and doesnt add any extra difficulty, but it does certainly add epic-ness as you chimney your way up the tufas and telephone holds! Was having such an experience I yelled down to Imogen on the belay that she simply had to do the whole damn 40m line, no way anyone should stop after L1. Simply spectacular, came down grinning.
  • 5.11a
    Squeeeeeze that watermelon
  • 5.10d
    Hard to get tufa action at this grade. Highly recommend!
  • 5.11b
    Wild left cross followed by a sick shoulder move! 11b
  • 5.12d
    Scary and hard! Radical line. Was hard to work since it’s literally sideways and pretty airy, but second go went in a few solid links.
  • 5.12a
    Bonker tufa wrangling heaven, so happy it finally dried enough to climb!
  • 5.12b
    Woooowee still cant believe I managed to flash this monster 40m king line :) Shoutout to Floes perfect on the fly beta spray! Still almost dropped it on the sloper crux. Hardest (and longest) flash to date!
  • 5.12b
    Way harder than La Paz! Sloper crux gave me lots of trouble. Should have brought a knee pad
  • 5.12a
    Easily one of the best on this side of the gorge! First go after a nice easy jaunt up to get warm and check the holds
  • 5.12d
    How in the actual hell could someone climb this? It is one of the blankest pieces of rock I’ve ever seen. Insane
  • 5.11b
    Optimized and Destroyed this little 3 pitcher with Joel n David
  • 5.11d
    Such a sick climb. Awesome movement on sculpted holds and some really interesting melted/dual-tex looking rock! Crux is very morpho and is likely is more in the 7a territory if you are tall enough to reach the sloper from the bomber foot, as well as use the no hands knee bar right before the crux
  • 5.11b
    yoooooo ok that do be sick af
  • 5.12a
    Once try, pretty damn close to the OS. Neat climb, with a tricky when pumped crux.
  • 5.12b
    The one that got away! Slipped a foot on the last hard move in the corner. Tricky and pumpy
  • 5.10c
    Terreros royos? Bottom is wack, pretty sure we all walked around the crux on the logical ledge. 2 stars cause the top groove is neat.
  • 5.11c
    Banger! Intro Boulder is amazing. 6c+
  • 5.10c
    First climb in chulilla because you can practically belay from the road and we were excited
  • 5.11d
    Nicer of the lines at Los Perros. Powerful crux, almost spit off the shoulder move at the crux but managed to hold it down
  • 5.12a
    heinous micro crimp vert slab, not sure I wanna. Un poco de bolsa de arena