Magic Line – 5.12a

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  • 5.12a
    What a battle. My entire body was flaming pumped head to toe as I stemmed, chimneyed, kneebarred, body wedged, foot jammed, hand jammed and otherwise used every trick in the book to work my way up these monster sized tufas. Almost spit off at the main crux of Magic line, but gave it everything and managed to stay on. As I entered into L2 (Acorralado, no extra difficulty), I went silent with focus as I off-widthed my way up the narrow tufa chimney for what felt like forever, feet smearing up one side and back pressed against the other, trying desperately not to blow it. I was absolutely exhausted but psyched out of my mind by the time I hit the anchor at the top of this monster 40m pitch. Insane climb, insane effort, and extra special to have this one as my first proper 12a draw hang on-site. A mega classic of all mega classics. Unforgettable.
  • 5.12a
    Neat stemming between tufas
  • 5.12a
    I’ve never climbed anything like this. That said I would recommend to it everyone. Thanks for the amazing 2nd last day Jon.
  • 5.12a