Black Magic – V5


SS at crimpy pinch & shallow pocket. Climb up sloping arch to jugs. No top out.
There seems to be 2 variations
1 - Go straight up to reach good holds in a few moves, then traverse right to T/O (likely V4?)
2 - Do the same first 2 moves, but stay low and follow the lip up and right. Reach the jugs above Mortal Kombat and T/O or drop down. (Likely closer to the OG grade of V6 but, of course, Contrived) - Dillon

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  • V5
    Skipped the foot cross since I am not flexible enough and just deadpointed - I feel like this way is easier. Probably indicative of a weakness I should work on though with hip mobility. Third Try - Felt solid V5 to me - about equal difficulty as Achilles which I did same day.
  • V5