Beautiful Century – 5.10a

230m / 755ft, 12 bolts


"Beautiful Century"
230m 7 Pitch 5.10a All Bolted
Bow Corridor, Nanny Goat
First ascent: Brian Spear, Jeff Storck Spring 2006
8 quick draws, 4 long slings, 2 anchor slings. 60m rope.

This is a multi-pitch route on the right side of Nanny Goat Buttress just left of the winter route "Coire
Dubh" and left of the routes "Less Art, More Pop" and "The Bell Route" - as described in the new "Sport
Climbs in the Canadian Rockies”. "Beautiful Century" is a moderate multi-pitch route that is fully bolted. It
was established ground up.

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Recent Sendage:

  • 5.10a
  • 5.10a
    So so good. Rock quality and quality of climbing is some of the best in the bow. Highest quality limestone multi I’ve ever done. Thanks Ry for a fantastic day
  • 5.10a
    Baby’s first multi back in North America. Couldn’t ask for a better day or better rock quality. Shoutout to Duncan for re-showing me a clove hitch 127 times.
  • 5.10a
    W/ Mike G.
  • 5.10a