12-Step Derailer – 5.13a

30m / 98ft, 10 bolts

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  • 5.13a
    Conditions were chilly but we made it work. Felt casual when it went....thanks to Ray for sharing sessions and beta with me! It was a pleasure to watch Juan (from Columbia) absolutely disregard my beta and hike it for the flash!
  • 5.13a
    3rd go! Wore the kneebar pad but missed the kneebar
  • 5.13a
  • 5.13a
    Spent far too long dynoing to the sloper at the crux when there were very good holds before it.. only took a really bad fall for me to find new beta!
  • 5.13a
    I worked this one a few years ago but couldn't bring it home. Stoked to send third go this season. Double-send day with Nick!