Younger Than Yesterday – 5.13d

20m / 66ft, 10 bolts


This route it on the far left side of the Shield. Climb an easy but tricky intro to a good no hands rest. The business starts right away from there. This route climbs big, powerful moves between in-cut edges on a slightly overhanging wall. Rest as best you can at the big jug, the final boulder problem is likely to spit you off once or twice.
Bolted by Greg Tos.

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.13d
    “If you just tried hard for once in your life, you‘d send” SR
  • 5.13d
    Amazing after work session with Michelle. Had an epic punt from the chains and took the big ride. Needed another few days to get my head back and get it done. Early bday present. 43yrs and still at it. For me it’s at the highest level of 5.13d.
  • 5.13d
  • 5.13d
    Always wanted to try this line but thought it was way above my level. Stoked I got on it and stuck with it! By far my hardest send, thanks to Greg for the catch and beta! One of the nicest lines ever. 8th go in 4 sessions
  • 5.13d
    Once I put some consistency into this route it went fast-ish. 6 goes.