Venus in Furs – 5.12a


Climb the brilliantly coloured baby blue streak on the way to the main section of bellavista in Echo Canyon. Was an open project in 2016 guide, and was included in the 2020 guide.

Surf up the first 30m in the 11b range, then rest up on the massive flake and get ready for an awesome and sequential crux on sculpted blue holds. Mantle a massive block of prickle rock to clip the anchor. Fantastic!

Not misplaced despite some confusion. There is a sector at McG with the same name, and it appears to have been logged wrong a few times.

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12a
    A strikingly beautiful section of wall! Deserves more traffic. Imagine the convincer but way, way better. 2nd
  • 5.12a
    2nd go. Great route. This climb is definitely not at Echo :)
  • 5.12a
  • 5.12a
    Low crux then victory climbing. Benefited greatly from mark going first and getting the beta dailed and the dirty top cleaned and ticked up.
  • 5.12a
    Beautiful and gymnastic sequence in the overhang. Positioning of the hips is everything. Eases up to about 11b after the flake on the first lip. Would recommend. 2nd go, 1st go exploration on TR.