Sharing is Caring – 5.11b

16m / 52ft, 6 bolts


The 7th bolt line from left to right on the Main Wall (formerly Dirt Stamp Wall)

Climb thin slab for the first 3 bolts then pull a slight bulge. A few moderate mantles to the chains.
Starts just right of 'The Bat' and almost shares holds. Sustained, high-angle crimpy face moves lead to lower angle ramp at the top, to the same anchors as The Bat, hence the sharing. FA S. Wyvill, B Wyvill '18.

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.11b
    Took some beta to figure out the slab, 2nd go
  • 5.11b
  • 5.11b
    This checked my ego for sure... kept getting lost. a great climb though.
  • 5.11b
    Second go :/ would be so much easier if I didn’t spend so much time trying to figure out where this climb ends and the bat begins
  • 5.11b
    Fun and sustained technical slab. Fell on the first go at a tricky gaston.