Nom de Grrr – 5.12c

FA: marcus norman - 2024-07-31


Located slightly down from Swelltone, this Upper Ace ‘moderate’ has cruxy sections separated by good rests in rolling terrain. Start up Jeu Legubre then branch straight up at the chain draw at the bulge.

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Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12c
    A fine MMM (maddy marchuck moderate) addition to ace
  • 5.12b
    “Well, polish my nutz and serve me a milkshake!”
  • 5.12c
    If Rhys ever tells you he sent this, be sure to ask how many asterisks were involved
  • 5.12c
    2024-07-31 (FA)
    Solid addition to a forgotten part of the cliff. Starts up The Tribe / Jeu Legubre and trends right to a chain draw then straight up.