Lunar New Year – 5.14a

20m / 66ft, 11 bolts
FA: Evan Hau - 2020-07-10

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.14a
  • 5.14a
    Good climb, got it fast so I don't know if it's 13d or 14a. I think I might be the 2nd ascent? Probably needs more ascents, I really don't know what the grade is. Someone else get on it!
  • 5.14a
    2020-07-10 (FA)
    A line just left of Iron Butterfly I'd been thinking about for awhile. Turned out quite good! Very cryptic and cruxy. It took me a long time to figure out a viable sequence but I wouldn't be surprised if someone manages to figure out an easier way one day, especially if a knee bar wizard checks it out. Happy to finish it off before the closure!