Dinosaur Highway – 5.13d

30m / 98ft, 15 bolts


The extension to Warthog (12a). Tackles a series of steep roofs through the left side of the amphitheater.

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Recent Sendage:

  • 5.13d
    Journey of a climb that is fun everytime and a delight to dial in. You know it's close when bad rests feel good. I even started to like Warthog. First 13delta
  • 5.13d
    Amazing all-terrain style thuggery. Crack gloves and a rodeo clip ended up being the final pieces of the puzzle for me.
  • 5.14a
    Felt like 5.14 to me
  • 5.13c
    Wow, what a rig! And so historic: the second 5.14 done in Canada. Put up in 1997 by French crusher Jean-Minh Trinh-Thieu (he also established Globe and Pushers on that same trip). And no doubt it was solid at 14a back then. But that was before the perfecting of kneebar technology and these dark days of the downgrade. Doesn't feel much harder than Motivation to me, since pretty good trickery can be found through nearly all of the hard sections. Still feels amazing to be able to get up this king line of the left side, even in my weak, modern style.
  • 5.13d
    Endro fest between awesome and unique rests. I was cooking at the top but managed to keep it together... just. Closer to 8a+ than 8b+ In my books. It's a great route none the less and I enjoyed climbing it. It’s just good that it's a piece of cake these days. Get on it