Bucking Dogs – 5.12c

FA: Francois Bergeron - 2022-07-06

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  • 5.12b
    “Who the hell runs a full rack of nothing but these stubby dick draws!?”
  • 5.12c
  • 5.12b
    Warm up. With zachs beta helped to get it first go :) thanks
  • 5.12c
    Well, I thought I was on Bucking Horse... This link up is very fun. Got bucked off this one a few times, and almost again on my send go! Luckily I managed to hang on just long enough to clip the chains, phew! Great route, I highly recommend.
  • 5.12c
    More of a retro flash given I did Bucking Horse a few yrs ago but forgot all the beta. But whatevs