Bonsai Tree – 5.13c

30m / 98ft, 15 bolts


Start on the first 3 bolts of Lost and Found, then traverse right along the lip of the cave. Then go straight up the first black streak through big moves and tiny holds. Climb past the little bonsai tree and continue until you are standing on a ledge by the anchors. Don't let your guard down at the last bolt!

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  • 5.13c
    I'm calling this the "second first ascent" on this amazing line :). I bolted it in 2019, and left it as I found the boulder problem in the middle too hard at the time. Regarding the grade, it is a hard one as the difficulty revolves around a hard (for me) boulder problem with good rests before and after. Strong boulderers might think it is soft, while endurance climbers might think it is sandbagged. As well height might come into play, the big moves might feel easier to taller climbers... Anyway as always grades are just a guess, and time will tell where it lands.