Recent Sendage:

  • V9
    Had the help of Marks knee pad. Couldnt get the knee bar in at the beginning like he did but managed to utilize it after getting the sloppy crimp. The toe hook slides in so perfectly when going to the right lip.
  • V9
    Went right to slopey edge and jumped, felt sorta hard
  • V8
    Really enjoyed this one. If you kneebar (with kneepad) in the starting hueco, go to left to slopey crimp, right gaston, then fire for the right lip its probably V8. And that's even after I ripped off the starting jug and broke a right foot. The drive-by toe-catch in the hueco when you hit the lip is probably the coolest part of the problem.
  • V9
    Sick temps! I used the dyno beta and launched from the bad pinch an the undercling right to the top. Would be impossible in high temps like this I think...
  • V10
    Really Good sit To Baby dunk, ends up climbing very differently too. Start Matched in hueco MOve out right to sloping edge match and then move out right. Project going straight up to the top still open but hard maybe height dependent