Aus Air – 5.12b

20m / 66ft, 12 bolts


Once past the somewhat grotty start, enjoy a fabulous route with both powerful, pumpy and technical sections. Start as for 'Dreams be Dreams,' but at the second bolt head right. Aus-Air was a regional airline based out of Melbourne, Australia. It ceased operations in 1999. 12 bolts (30m) FA: John Fantini, 2005.

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12c
    Absolute banger. Just as good as Dreams.
  • 5.12c
    Used a knee pad. Felt slightly harder than it’s neighbour. Fun the whole way
  • 5.12c
  • 5.12b
    2nd go. Blew the warm up, onsight, at the last move. If you come to this wall for dreams be dreams jumps on this at the same time. Totally worth it
  • 5.12b