Kicking Horse Campground Boulder

10 Boulder Problems


A single quartzite boulder with great views of Cathedral, Stephan and the spiral tunnels. Close to the trans-canada but because of its location along the Kicking Horse river the highway noise is muffled. Has 11 problems ranging VB-V3, of good quality. Topo can be had here:

Directions / Travel Info:

From the trans Canada Highway turn off onto the tak falls road. Pass the monarch campground on the left and pull over onto the north shoulder of the road just before you cross the kicking horse river for the first time. There is a well used trail beside the bridge that leads NE and upstream. The boulder is 500 m along this trail. Alternatively, if camped at the Kicking Horse Campground you can walk directly to the boulder by following a trail that starts from the RV meadow at the NE side of the campground (behind the reycling and garbage bins) This trail takes you to the Tak falls road and the second bridge across the river. Once you cross the bridge turn left and follow the trail beside the river. 800 m.

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