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Vancouver's Top 50

As per the recently released Vancouver Rock Climbing guidebook, this is Vancouver's Top 50 rock climbs.

    List Created By

    Senja Palonen
    created on 7/5/16

    List Cloned From

    created on 7/5/16

    Pics & Vids From This List

    Clones of This List:

    82% Rich Wheater
    72% Senja Palonen
    66% Trees
    36% Graham McGrenere
    26% Graham Haber
    22% brett kruselnicki
    20% Jamie Chong
    18% Yannick Neufeld-Cumming
    18% Seanathon Morphy
    16% Bertin Wong
    10% Daphne
    4% Graeme Brown
    0% CamBullen