FA: James Clark - 2023-08-05


The low start to the Greenwood Crack in the guide. Lefthand start on the "W" shaped hold, right hand on the triangle hold low on the arete. Make some punchy moves the the ledge and use some trickery to gain the crack. Head straight up and top out the slab above.

Recent Sendage:

  • V6
    Really nice! Nice find James
  • V6
    Thanks to James for having the vision for this one! Great movement. Used slightly different beta to gain the crack rail with a toe instead of heel-toe.
  • V6
    3rd go, 3rd ass scent, really amazing line. Kudos to James for the vision on this line!
  • V6
    2023-08-05 (FA)
    Such cool movement! 4.5 stars from me. Only loses some quality because the slab could use some more cleaning (ugh whoever the first ascensionist is needs to learn how to clean slab). Could be easier? Idk not great with grades. More traffic will help get consensus. High quality though, just touch it!