
In the new guide as 'The Well Low'. Post-break, this now starts left hand on the arête and right hand on a low opposing hold in the roof. A powerful move leads into the jug of the higher start.
This start was FA'd by Tristan Salson in 2019

Recent Sendage:

  • V10
    Adds a fun powerful move into the high start. Disclosure - the FA shifted some rocks to start seated (which have shifted again since 2019). I didn't realize until after and started crouched. We aren't sure if it adds difficulty. Maybe a tad? I'm just not motivated enough to hike back up haha. Maybe in a few years. There is potential for a low low after all ;). Had such a great experience overall regardless
  • V7
    Great climb. A little out of the way but the sound or rushing water sure beats the sound of rushing traffic you get at grand wall. I started on the obvious jug down and left which fits the description in the book. Definitely not V10 and most likely somewhere around V6 or V7. It's confusing distinguishing between the low and stand start...
  • V9
    Good climb. I didn't see it pre-break but didn't feel like V10 to me.
  • V9
    Another solo send. A big flake has come off just below the beginning of the stand start. This break has left behind a pretty good hold where a bad sloper was before. Consequently, the full line is easier than in used to be. Might still be V10, but I doubt it. Regardless, this problem is awesome!
  • V10
    "how the hell am i supposed to span this"