Telekinesis – V7

FA: Josh Bylsma

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  • V8
    Probably the worst climb I’ve ever done but we out here
  • V8
    Probably an 8 at my height considering it took 3 sessions?
  • V8
    Great climb, the individual moves aren’t crazy hard to get but stringing it all together is as tricky.
  • V8
    Little reachy if you are on the shorter end, but a good climb none the less
  • V7
    The nemesis is no more! Was convinced it had to wait until next year but a little warmth in November and it finally went.. Crux by far for me is matching the crimp rail before the finish. This move basically spat me off all season long. Def harder if you're shorter and can't keep the right foot on the good foothold for the match.