Side Swipe – V4


SDS on the good undercling (the 'hole'), climb on up marginal slimpers, go left to top once you hit the lip.

Recent Sendage:

  • V4
    Really fun sequence and would be one of the best mods at carver if it was not such a grovelly sit start into the cool moves. Did everything else on the boulder this day too but didn’t feel like going through and ticking it all.
  • V4
    Super fun line, I try to do this every time I'm there. Love showing it to friends and watch them scratch their heads over it. I'm pretty sure I invented the reverse knuckle mantle just for this problem.
  • V4
    Not my kind of climb. There are other 4s in the area that I enjoy more.
  • V4
    Whoo another impossi-proj sent. Great technical climbing on awful slimpers. Lots of subtle beta unlocked it for me.
  • V4
    Awesome 'hole'-hold. Too big to be a pocket, too sudden and deep to be a hueco. It's a hole.