Bonzai Boulders

47 Boulder Problems


This is the lower bouldering area. It has the highest concentration of problems, and is usually the most clean. It is more open than the other areas, so dries out a little quicker after rain. It is closer to the road, so the sound of cars take away from the forest vibe slightly. Has many good moderate difficulty climbs, in the V2 to V4 range. Only a few climbs that are V7 or harder though. Good place to warm up.

Directions / Travel Info:

These boulders may be found by going down a trail to the right of the restaurant. The entrance to the trail is marked with a green platform and a sign about climbing. The trail passes you immediately past the Cracked Block boulder and in a few yards you reach the central most area with Gut Crunch, Sugar Cube, and Objection among others.
