The Shield – V10

FA: Josh Bylsma - 2014-07-19


Start on wide opposing side pulls and move straight up through bad feet and wide compression

Recent Sendage:

  • V10
    This line is pretty easy on the fingers.
  • V10
    Psyched to put one down in a few goes!
  • V10
    What can I say; KING LINE.. for Frank at least! This climb has solidified for me what my style is as I nearly fired it off on the 1st sesh a month back and sent 2nd go today! Beyond psyched on this one. Did not use the heel beta, just dynamic to each sidepull the whole way up, might suit the slighty shorter better tbh not quite sure though.. Shout out to the crew today for spots and pads!
  • V10
    2nd ascent. Full cred to Loic. New beta and the team send. So psyched
  • V10