On the Prowl 24 7 – 5.12b

14m / 46ft, 6 bolts

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  • 5.12b
  • 5.12b
    Had fun on it, finally ticked the whole crag.
  • 5.12b
  • 5.12b
    Wow, for 12b that was a hard one! Pumpy AF and with a delicate top-out too. Finally ticked the whole Cougar cliff.
  • 5.12b
    I have now ticked all the routes at Cougar Crag! I left this one for last as it didn't look super inspiring to me. Luckily I tried it last month when the climb I wanted to get on was too wet. So glad I did as this climb is actually pretty rad IMO!! It is quite beta intensive, but has good flow once I dialed it in. Although it did end up becoming a mini project that I was beginning to think I would never send ha ha Even punted off clipping the chains on the 1st burn tonight LOL Thankfully I was able to get it the next go with a solid belay from Rich!