The Offering – V7

FA: Jake Tiger - 2024-05-24

Recent Sendage:

  • V7
    Such a fun climb, very solid moves on decent crimps but they are slightly far away. Took me quite a long time to project but it’s so worth it.
  • V7
    Super cool line with the crux being near the start. Kinda tough top out in the cold (couldn't feel my fingers) but still super fun. Felt the same as gulag in the glen, so 7 (or soft 7) makes sense.
  • V7
    Instant crimpy classic from Jake! Checked out this roof after sessing at CR and this one got me super psyched. Start hold and top out was soaking wet. Might also be v6, hard to say
  • V7
    2024-05-24 (FA)
    A really nice find by Tom and a hell of alot of cleaning by Tom and Danny. Nice work because this cave is sick! If it were at the glen it would be a total classic and probably glossy so go get it while it still has texture! Starts with two blind dead points to crimps then some flowy movment takes you to the topout jugs. Very fun, exceptionally enjoyable, and nice straight line. Grateful. Did it twice to get the video. Did not record the first time because my previous tries were really not feeling promising. Surprised myself with a subtle beta change