Lower Education – V9

FA: Nate Peach - 2017-10-08

Recent Sendage:

  • V9
    This thing is HARD. I’ve had all the moves for months but could not link the final throw to save my life. Even after like 20 sessions I was still nuancing beta. The day it went I went back to my original beta for the last toss. Only in climbing can you have the same epiphany twice.
  • V9
    At last! I've worked this on and off for ages., made changes to beta several times when I hit dead ends, and finally crafted something together that worked. Today I didn't even really have it in my mind to get on it, wasn't sure if it would be dry. Timmy was here with stoke and support. Possibly the second person to do this link, who knows of course. This thing makes my climbing year.
  • V9
    2017-10-08 (FA)
    Start on Intruder and traverse across the face of Tim's Boulder to the left arete i.e. through Higher Education and into the Centipede using the slot hold on Education. Grade is shot in the dark.