Fear and Loathing – 5.12a

18m / 60ft, 11 bolts


Climb up the now bolted 5.8 corner up to a small ledge. Fire up the pumpy line of bolts above.

In 2016, this route and Train in Vain were finally extended to the ground, and rebolted fully with glue-ins.

FA: Chris Oates (1988-1991)

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Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12a
    3 sessions, first of the grade. After falling at the chains twice the previous week, I surprised myself with an unexpected send in the rain and with little sleep. The crux felt hard in the 100% humidity compared to the previous week, but the hard work paid off at the end. I used a very sharp higher undercling for my right hand just above the main big undercling so that I could reach the jug statically.
  • 5.12a
  • 5.12a
    Easy start till the middle of the wall. Go through thin crux to powerful area and second crux
  • 5.12a
  • 5.12a