Fat Guy in a Little Coat – 5.12d

7m / 23ft, 7 bolts
FA: michaelgrisdale - 2014-05-23

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12d
    Taking a “first of the grade” 12d for this one! Bit of a battle over two sessions, including getting pretty beat up from a mega whip today. As others have said, it is sharp! But also delicate with great sequences.
  • 5.12d
    Felt pretty solid at 12d. Could be a bit morpho or I could have had crap beta. What appears to initially be ugly and sharp climbing turns out to be surprisingly high quality techy, ugly and sharp climbing. Deserves to be more popular.
  • 5.12d
    Nice route mike, met you last year, glad to hear you sent. You were so hyped on the route. Was stoked to get on it. Felt like 12c/d
  • 5.12d
    2014-05-23 (FA)
    I bolted this route in fall 2013. It is the last route on the right at the main wall at barrier. Technical footwork and sharp crimps. 7 bolts. I figured 12d was the grade... at the time it seemed that Kiwis Fly was quite a bit easier.