Fake News – V6

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  • V6
    Fun airy climb! First couple moves and the downclimb are the cruxes.
  • V6
    1st try after pulling of start holds once before scoping the lower start. The down climb is f****** terrifying
  • V6
    Cruisy! A little heady but good landing. Not sure if this felt like a 6 compared to other 6's in the area, but maybe the slab downclimb is a hard enough part of the experience to keep the grade haha
  • V6
    Technically not a flash as I've felt and pulled on the start holds working 'Bigger Than it Looks' but it went first go. Great line and a little heady, but honestly a little soft for the grade. The down climb was harder but I also suck at slab.
  • V6
    Super cool route and utilizes the boulder very nicely, tons of holds to chose from