Escape Is At Hand For The Travellin' Man – 5.13a

FA: Zach Watson - 2020-07-11


After the shared start, traverse right on some cool tufa holds before a shouldery finish.

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Recent Sendage:

  • 5.13a
    Slightly easier than Pass the Dog but not as good
  • 5.13a
    I slapped that sloper like it owed me lobster money! What a fantastic blend of techniness down low into body position dependant power at the top. Woo!
  • 5.13a
    “Ooo no I just Amber Heard’d my pants”
  • 5.13a
    Great route! Brushed out the huecos so they're less sandy and added a permadraw to facilitate cleaning.
  • 5.13a
    2020-07-11 (FA)
    Right hand variation of blow at high dough and actually the original line, maybe slightly easier than pass the dog but not as good