Eight Litre Buckets – 5.8

25m / 82ft, 8 bolts
FA: alexmayer, Seanathon Morphy - 2020-09-10


The 1st bolt line from left to right on the Camas Wall (formerly Karate Kid Wall)

Start up the giant detached flake resting at the base of the wall, behind a small Maple Tree up as mall bulge of dirt and rock. Follow the glacier smoothed bowls to low angle finish on right side of sharp, obvious roof. Anchors are on the Main Wall Ledge. Top rope access is from top of Main Wall, and a safety bolt can be found immediately above the anchor on back wall.
A really neat route that has big huecos on it from water runoff.
FA Seanathon Morphy 8/20/2015

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