Covid Bulge – 5.11b

28m / 92ft, 12 bolts


FA: Andy Genereux, May 2021
Use the first bolt on Crack Attack then takes sustained tricky face climbing using the right-hand series of friable fakes to reach the bulge at mid height. An intermittent crack sorts out the burly bulge. There is sustained delicate movement required above and below this bulge. Work the rest points and definitely save a little juice to finish.

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.11b
  • 5.11a
    Nice warm up for the day
  • 5.11b
    Broke a hand hold on the second go send and held on. Boulder crux, but figured out some good rest to save some juice. Felt harder than other 11b/c at this crag. True to grade for me.
  • 5.11a
    Another decent romp