The Clampdown – 5.12d

15m / 49ft, 6 bolts


From Detention Arête in the Lost World, hike directly uphill for about 10 minutes until the huge boulder comes into view.

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12d
    Really inspiring line, had to put work in to compensate for my terrible ‘squamish shuffle’ skills. This deserves to be a top 100
  • 5.12d
    Super cool! Nice session with Michelle.
  • 5.13a
    After sliding off the mantel from those annoying pine needles I came back for the send, Squamish classic for sure. Felt way harder than any 12d’s I’ve done.
  • 5.12d
    What a dreamy line! So psyched to finish this one! Blew the mantel on my second go and then it took a bunch more tries to get to the jug again. Maybe a bit hard for 12d? Didn’t think it would feel that way after my first session but the send was still a battle.
  • 5.12d