Circus Tricks – V5


Stand start with a left hand on a side pull left of the arete and right hand palming/underclinging right lip of the roof. Gain the jug lip using what ever trickery suits you best. Progressively higher starts on the arete are also worth while and likely easier.

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Recent Sendage:

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    One of those "anything can be a problem, I guess" lines. I don't understand the choice on the established start. It seems more logical or full value to at least start on the blocky ledge lower, even if it's not a part of the same block. Also, is there no line that starts from the blocky ledge, into the sloped left hand sidepull, and up into the face crimp and arete? Because this was the original read, and IMO a much better line before we resorted to looking at Sendage to figure out what "Circus Tricks" actually was (because the guidebook description was also incredibly poor). 1/5 stars for how stupid everything around this boulder seemed.
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