Catalyst – V9

FA: loicfujinaga - 2021-06-06


This line is on the big triangle higball boulder. Start at the bottom left on some nice edges and traverse right along a slopey rail. Head straight up using pockets and small crimps to get to some better holds around mid height. Follow the obvious weakness up and right to a mini peak on the arete. You can run down the slab from here, or venture up and left to the very top.

Recent Sendage:

  • V9
    king line of skyline
  • V9
  • V9
    Once I got my beta sorted, this flowed and felt amazing. One of my favourite climbing experiences. Would've been even better if I had the courage to do the full top, but still such a proud line
  • V9
    So stocked to get this boulder! Loads of fun and a little pumpy!
  • V9
    Session two, first try today!! I’m super happy what an amazing climb super pretty.